What is a Lactation Consultant and how can they help with Breastfeeding?
Have you seen the acronym IBCLC? This stands for International Board Certified Lactation
Consultant. The highest accredited healthcare professionals that specialise in lactation.
International Board Certified Lactation Consultants play a vital role as key partners within the
breastfeeding dyad.
Whether lactation comes easily to you or not, having a strong support system is key to meeting your
feeding goals. IBCLC’s foster a unique perspective and can tailor care for you and your baby.
When to engage with an IBCLC
We encourage expecting parents to engage with an IBCLC before their baby arrives. During that visit
an IBCLC can set you up for feeding success. The consultation may include a breast assessment,
demonstrations of different breastfeeding positions, assist you with breastfeeding related purchases
(eg: breastpump etc) discussion on the importance of skin to skin and antenatal expressing etc. All of
which prepares you for the arrival of your baby.
At LASS Baby we specialise in virtual and face to face care for rural and remote women. We understand the challenges that these families face with significant isolation and lack of support and LASS Baby is here to help. If you are having troubles with breastfeeding please book an appointment here.
Once the baby is born you may engage with a IBCLC because you:
- Are experiencing pain while breastfeeding
- Have damaged nipples that are not improving
- Are having difficulty with your baby waking for feeds
- Find your baby is not gaining weight well
- Feel your milk supply is low
- Think you have too much milk
- Suspect that you have a blocked duct or mastitis
- (Or your baby) show signs of thrush or you have an infection of your nipples/vasospasm
- Are concerned about medications/drugs and breastfeeding
- Are pregnant and have concerns about your ability to breastfeed this baby/babies
- Have a medical condition or surgical condition that may make breastfeeding more challenging
- Need help with weaning
- Need help with returning to work
mothers and other caregivers require active support for establishing and sustaining breastfeeding practices
World Health Organisation
Engaging with
help early is key to helping you on your breastfeeding journey with the IBCLC community of
health professionals proving to be invaluable within the realm of breastfeeding practices.
You may require an IBCLC if your baby:
- Breastfeeds less than six times in 24 hours in the first four to six weeks
- Is not wetting at least six nappies a day especially in the first six weeks
- Minimal bowel motions
- Vomiting frequently
- Is frequently difficult to wake for feeds
- Is not gaining weight well
- Show signs of oral thrush
- Seems unhappy at your breast or refuses to breastfeed
- Has a medical or surgical problem that is impacting on the baby’s ability to feed
- Incoordinate or disorganised suck
- Anytime you have questions about any aspect of breastfeeding or simply wish to clarify thingsEg: You may require information about breastfeeding equipment such as breast pumps and other supplies that are helpful to breastfeeding mothers and infants.
Are you worried about breastfeeding? We've got you covered!
1 & 2 hour Consultations Includes
Breastfeeding and newborn assessment attended in the comfort of your own home or via a virtual platform. This package includes a written personalised plan and one follow up phone call or email after the initial consultation.
Common Concerns
You are not alone when second guessing breastfeeding. This is 'natural' and just meant to work right? Unfortunately this often is not the case and you need support and guidance to get you through this challenging time. LASS Baby will assist in identifying problems and provide guidance and help with breastfeeding concerns.
Individual Concerns
Have you had a breast surgery and are concerned about breastfeeding? Do you get mastitis? Have you had twins? Has your baby been diagnosed with a cows milk protein allergy/intolerances or has your newborn got particular needs (disability, premature etc). Whatever the problem LASS Baby tailors advise specifically to you and your newborn.
Newborn Weight Gain
Did you know that one of the most common reason women cease breastfeeding is because they feel like they don't have enough breastmilk for their baby.
Has your baby had trouble with weight gain? Are you worried that you don't have enough breastmilk? Do you want to know some practical tips to boost your supply? Contact LASS Baby today.
Nipple Shield
What are nipple shield and why are they used? Are you unsure whether you need to use a nipple shield? Have you been using a shield and wanting to wean off them? All your answers will be addressed within the breastfeeding consultation with LASS Baby.